Aurora Irrealis

"Most art is sincere. And most art is bad." --Igor (Stravinsky)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

new year, new outlook!

It doesn't have to be fun to be fun, man.

Thus spoke Barry Blanchard, last night. I went to see his mountaineering presentation at McGill. Awesome, stunning stuff. (I just read Into Thin Air last week, too, so I knew what the heck he was talking about.)

Barry's climbing partner said that to him during a terrible storm during and ascent. That's totally my philosophy about anything. It was a nice way to hear it echoed back.

I took a week off last week. Two weeks off over the holidays, actually. For the first time in 4.5 years; that was definitely nice. Time off to do some heavy thinking, which I did. I ended last week totally resolved, excited and ready for what was to come.

And this week has been an almost total deflation. A couple of fabulous things going on, like my friends, and last night's talk, and finding out a few more people think i'm fabulous (no time for modesty in the midst of this serious business!). But on the whole, the return to work has been less than spectacular. Not terrible, just a slow leaking-air sound.

I do not await better things, I will take the weekend to make better things come about.