Aurora Irrealis

"Most art is sincere. And most art is bad." --Igor (Stravinsky)

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Facebook, the new drug

This week I joined facebook. I think my real social life is about to be replaced by a virtual one. So far it's been exciting and handy and addictive.

I'm listening to the Stars.

I'm going to Spain on Easter Sunday, going hiking for a week and traveling for a second week. I can't wait!

And I just watched almost all the Heritage Minutes online! After joining the Facebook group.

I need to get some sleep. But these are wonderful days, wonderful weeks.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

fruehlings erwachnung, weiter

It's that day -- the day of spring, where I can go outside and *know* i'm not going to suffer the consequences.
I can wear just a t-shirt (with pants) while, say, hauling buckets of water from a river in Lanaudiere, on snowshoes, while taking care of a rustic beautiful cabin all by myself. (There was no cell reception up there. So refreshing.)

And knowing that, even if the melting crust of ice over the river breaks off and I fall in, and the unheated cabin is a steep snowslope + 100m away, nothing bad will happen. It's Spring. It's awesome.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


I"m about to head up to my colleague's cabin in Lanaudiere (2hrs away) for a 24h break.
And look, outside my window, it's snowing. Unbelievable.
This whole past 2 weeks has been extraordinary. The spring is turning.
Well i'm off. :)

Monday, March 05, 2007

signs of the times

Went out Friday night to the Nuit Blanche -- like a big late-night public high school dance, is what it felt like -- interesting, but vaguely boring just because it was so public. Good times, still. Best moment: standing on top of a huge snowpile (playing social coordinator on my phone) and watching my friends start dancing like idiots on the ground below.

New idea: open up a permanent silent disco where you can just groove to your own iPod (if you choose). A public dance space.

Today's inspiring moment: while running up the mountain, passing all the people sledding and realizing that they had torn down election posters as far as the eye could see to make improvized sleds. Sweet...

One km later we also found a huge mound of horsesh*t on a sign, piled right on the face of the liberal candidate. Now that the election is here, I don't care anymore... those neo-cons sure knew what they were doing, applying the hammer for a full 2 straight years before doling out the gifts.